
Fertilizer units

Fertilizer controller

Control your fertilizer amount as per your requirements only and very precise

Farm controller

controller unit

control and measure each process of your indoor farm

climate controller

controller unit

control all your farm process from on controller

Smart Greenhouse Climate & Control Systems


Your controller is the brain of your entire system allowing you to gather data and remotely control and monitor your critical equipment from your computer or smartphone.

Whether you are looking to replace an older automation system that is experiencing reliability issues or are intrigued by the new capabilities of new fully cloud connected automatic grow systems that help you to:

  • Improve labor efficiency by letting your team focus on higher priority tasks
  • Reduce energy consumption via dynamic temperature and irrigation control that only uses what is necessary for your crop
  • Improve crop quality and yield through fine grain adjustments in nutrients and LED light parameters.
  • Receive text or email alerts if the system detects something wrong
  • Analyze crop analytics and historic data that you can combine with other data such as labor, production, and plant data to optimize cultivation schedule, etc.
  • Use machine learning models to automatically adjust your equipment for optimal energy efficiency and growth

Even small changes in the climate, lighting and nutrient dosages can cause your plants stress which directly affects your plant’s yield and quality so why not be proactive in getting real-time data about your greenhouse?.


smart greenhouse overview

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